Instructions to Make Item -
I think this newspaper pot looks brilliant and its eco-friendly. I’m going
to give the project a 4 star rating because I love the way it looks, it
recycles old newspapers and its really fun to do on a sunny afternoon. However,
I’m going to lower the overall rating to a 2 star rating because the items that
I made didn’t turn out how it looks above. I found the instruction on the
website a bit confusing and not very clear on what to do which is why I attempted
the project twice. The first time round I still had the string attached, as it doesn’t
say when to take it out. The second time round I didn’t use string and used lots
of paperclips, which made the project very tricky, I also did it with extra-long
bits of newspaper, attaching two bits with sticky tape and it resulted in it
looking like a vase. Below are some pictures of what I made.
This isn’t a great Picture of my first attempt (top right corner) but it’s
all I have at the moment.
This is my second attempt